Glenn Nausley

The Best Kind of Medicine

Last week I read Nietzsche's The Gay Science. For those who don't know, this book is writen as a series of aphorisms and Nietzsche discusses many ideas that would eventual become full fledged in his magnum opus Thus spoke Zarathustra (and he himself would be known for); for instance, 'God is dead' was first written in the Gay Science.

But this post is not about the book, its about what I learned to do while reading the book.

See, last week there was a string of days that my facebook feed or one of my friends had a blog post that infuriated me in a philosophical. You know; the kind that make you want to write pages into the comments point out all the moral errors in their thinking. But I didn't write out those comments;I started writing aphorisms.

I don't particularly remember the reasoning leading up to it; I just remember writing them, and that I got to vent. Plus it was fun writing this short, witty, one-off comments. So, I told myself anytime I feel mad for philosophical reasons I would write an aphorism or two.

I think I wrote 3 the first time; I am now at 51.

I don't know how much of that 51 is out of enjoyment or anger, but I won't question it.

Regardless it is a good medicine to take and I will probably publish some of them here.