The Best Kind of Medicine

Last week I read Nietzsche's The Gay Science. For those who don't know, this book is writen as a series of aphorisms and Nietzsche discusses many ideas that would eventual become full fledged in his magnum opus Thus spoke Zarathustra (and he himself would be known for); for instance, 'God »

Neural Network Results

This weekend I played around with Neural Networks to see what I could learn. I decided to stick with number based applications, because they were easier to setup than word based applications. This lead me to test two things (both related to sports, because I was feeling sporting): Predict the »

Neural Networks are cool

Inspired by this tweet, I have decided that this weekend I will play around with recurrent neural networks. I have a vague sense of what a neural network, and no idea what a recurrent one is. But I will learn, because if you can get a computer to create a »

The Problem with the Blockchain

Over the weekend I was brainstorming ideas for personal projects. One of the ideas that didn't make my list was some application that uses the Blockchain. I had been thinking of trying to use the blockchain ever since I first learned of it in 2013. All I could think about »

5 Web Development Personal Project Ideas

Lately I have been wanting to get back into developing web applications for fun. Outside of learning and refreshing general knowledge of node.js, I want to learn how to use React. Here are the five project ideas that I am mulling to work on. Chat Room Application: I am »

'The Revenant' Review

This movie was cold. I could summarize The Revenant as a movie about fur traders in the early 19th century, where Glass(Dicaprio) is hunting down Fitzgerald(Hardy) because he killed his son. But this doesn't do the movie justice. Now, that summary is not wrong; it is a very »

The Problem with the 'Sharing' Economy

"Uber for Parking." This was the billion dollar idea I came up with when I first started to learn about tech and startups. Think about it. All of the driveways that go unused while people are at work. Millions (if not billions) of square feet of parking space that goes »

How I stopped worrying and learned to love AI

When people talk about Artificial Intelligence you tend to get one of two sentiments out of people: Apocalyptic or Immortality. This is understandable because these extremes make for good stories (Ex Machina was one of my favorite movies of 2015). These stories make AI seem like this far future technology »