Glenn Nausley

5 Web Development Personal Project Ideas

Lately I have been wanting to get back into developing web applications for fun. Outside of learning and refreshing general knowledge of node.js, I want to learn how to use React.

Here are the five project ideas that I am mulling to work on.

  1. Chat Room Application: I am thinking something like Slack or Gitter. I have created simple, realtime chat windows before but they were simple (message and user name only). What I am thinking here is a chat application with all of the dressings. Group chats both public and private), pinned posts, search, file upload.

  2. "We Play" App: Basically create this website, though not necessarily pokemon. A lot of what I would have to learn is how to run the gameboy rom (or whatever game file) running on the server. I don't know if that is what I really want to be focusing on, but this would be interesting and fun.

  3. Question answer Economy, where reputation is the currency: This website would allow users to ask questions that has a finite set of answers (yes or no, a/b/c). The users would then 'buy' a share of a potential answer with a fake currency (like reddit's karma); all the shares receive a payout of the total karma pot. Maybe require a certain payment to ask a question and return like 10% of the pot to the 'asker'. That way there is an incentive to both answer questions correctly but also ask good questions(at least popular questions). Cons to this project is for it to work there needs to be a fair amount of people to use it and I need to solve some non-program problems like how to decide the answer to the questions. (Can you tell I thought about this one the most?)

  4. An RSS feed summarizer(sp?): A website that would take an RSS feed, or maybe some pre-determined news websites, and return summaries of the article. These summaries would (ideally) be the most important part of the article while being no longer than 5-6 sentences. Something that is skim-able.This is probably the hardest of the projects; this goes past just stretching my legs to actually testing my metal. But, hey I'm up for a challenge.

  5. A fantasy sport game for a less popular sport: So, fairly straight forward. I am thinking something like Golf, Tennis, or maybe an eSport. This would be more of a idea to exercise everything around it, and not work so much on the idea itself.

So, these are the ideas that I am mulling over to start. I am somewhat interested in trying all of them, so who knows I might do all of them at some point.